Increase your IQ by 10 points in 30 days

Have you always wanted to increase your IQ in a scientific way?

Do you struggle with standardized tests such as SAT, LSAT, or GMAT?

Do you struggle with information overload in today’s internet society?

Are you looking for a source of stress relief to make life easier?

Sign up to get the Accelerate your Brain Training Free Gift where these questions are answered!

Is IQ fixed throughout your lifetime?

Do the IQ gains last?

Is Dual N Back difficult?

Can I check what my IQ is quickly?

I have tried other brain training exercises and I did not see increased IQ gains. Will Dual N Back training work?

Also, included in the booklet is a Dual N Back workbook, to reduce your training time by 20%!

Dual N Back Training


Do you want to get trained by a real genius instructor with an IQ of 142?


A truly engaging Dual N-Back Training course that will get you on the way to unlocking your brain’s full potential!

What You Can Expect…

Here are the results you can expect from Dual N Back Training…


Maximize your potential and increase your IQ by getting trained by a high IQ tutor, IQ 142

Working Memory

Increased working memory will enable you to handle complex tasks and increase working memory by 30%.

Stress Relief

Perform better in all aspects of your life, handle stress better

A story about John demonstrating working memory…

John was pushing for a touchdown to even out the score. The clock stood at 7-7 with only 30 seconds staring at the crowd.

Johnson’s proclivity on the opposing team was to dart around the front line and pounce on the Quarterback at the first chance. Since there were 10 yards to a first down and 20 yards to the goal, the situation presented two unfavorable options.

One to go for glory and send a hail Mary to left field where the opposition was weak. The other was to let running back Smith run a weaving pattern through the left.

The ball hikes and the hail Mary was launched. The crowd cheers as a touchdown is scored breaking the tie.

This story demonstrates what working memory is and the benefits of enhancing it.

The Course to Help You Become a Sharper Thinker…

Dual Back N Brain Training Course on Udemy

Become a better student, tester, employee, entrepreneur, parent – or anything else you desire to be! Thinking sharper and improving your working memory will make a huge difference in your life!

FREE Accelerate your Brain Training Booklet

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